Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


M. Desroches

  • M1 course on “Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience” as part of the Master program in Bioinformatics (BIM) of the University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC, Paris)

    This teaching has been organised over a five-week period (January-February 2014) with a total of 30 hours, including lectures, example classes and computer labs (2 hours per week each). This first half of the course was focused on an introduction to mathematical slow-fast models of spiking and bursting neurons using bifurcation theory, slow-fast dissection and numerical analysis (simulation and continuation) with the software package xppaut .


  • Benjamin Aymard, Numerical study of multiscale non conservative transport equations modeling cell kinetics [14] , Université Pierre & Marie Curie, October 10th, 2014, supervisors: Marie Postel and Frédérique Clément.

  • Elif Köksal Ersoz, Synchronization of GnRH neurons: a multiscale mathematical study, since November 2013, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, supervisors: Frédérique Clément and Jean-Pierre Françoise, with the involvement of Mathieu Desroches.

  • Lucile Megret, Mathematical analysis of complex oscillations in models with multiple time scales, since October 2013, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, supervisors: Jean-Pierre Françoise and Frédérique Clément, with the involvement of Mathieu Desroches.

  • Kim Long Tran, Reduction and calibration of mutiscale models for structured cell populations, since October 2014, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, supervisors: Marie Postel and Frédérique Clément.

  • Luis Carlos García del Molino, Dynamics of randomly connected networks and spectral theory of random matrices, since September 2012, Université Denis Diderot, supervisor: Khashayar Pakdaman (Jacques Monod Institute), co-supervisor: Jonathan Touboul.

  • Cristóbal Quiñinao, Mean-field limits in non fully connected networks and noise-induced synchronization, since September 2012, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, supervisor: Benoît Perthame, co-supervisors: Stéphane Mischler (CEREMADE) and Jonathan Touboul.


J. Touboul: evaluation of the ENS Ulm PhD scholarships